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Your search for "*" yielded 123255 hits

LETS 2050

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Governing transition towards Low Carbon Energy and Transport Systems For 2050Project's duration: 2009-2013Contact person:  Lars-Olof OlanderResearchers in the project:Lars-Olof OlanderKarl-Johan LundquistOverviewThe project was funded by Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, VINNOVA and Swedish Transport Administration. - 2025-03-15

Models for local development

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Models for local developmentContact person: Andrea NardiResearchers in the project:Johanna Bergman-Lodin Andrea NardiMabel HungwOverviewThree projects are combined under common topic - "New African Agricultural Technology and Smallholder Welfare", ”Local development and institutions in the context of rural devlopment in Northern Argentina”, “Com - 2025-03-15

Participatory Assessment of Sustainable Scenarios for Himalayan Pastoralism

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Participatory Assessment of Sustainable Scenarios for Himalayan Pastoralism (The Swedish Research Council - SIDA- Swedish Research Links 2007-2009; The Swedish Research Council 2008-2010)Project's duration: 2007-2010Contact person: Pernille Gooch OverviewThe aim of this project is to provide reliable socioeconomic and environmental information on - 2025-03-15

Next generation regional innovation policy (CIRCLE)

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Next generation regional innovation policy: How to combine science and user driven approachesProject's duration: 2010-2013Contact person:  Bjørn AsheimResearchers in the project:Bjørn AsheimJerker MoodyssonOverviewThe project was funded by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation. - 2025-03-15

Sustainable Development as a Problem of Global Distribution

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Sustainable Development as a Problem of Global Distribution: Transdisciplinary Theory and Methods for Tracing Environmental Load Displacement (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agriculture and Spatial Planning)Project's duration: 2008-2010Contact person: Alf HornborgOverviewThis project pursues a currently emerging reconceptualization - 2025-03-15

Swedish regional economic growth in a European perspective

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Swedish regional economic growth in a European perspective: Markets, agglomerations and comparative advantage 1800-2000Project's duration: 2009-2012Contact person:  Martin HenningResearchers in the project:Martin HenningKerstin Enflo Lennart SchönOverviewThe project was funded by the Swedish Research Council.Database: Regional GDP data for Swedi - 2025-03-15

Tanzania 1850-2000

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Tanzania 1850-2000: The Political Ecology of Trade Networks, Food Production and Land Cover Change (The Swedish Research Council and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)) Project's duration: 2004-2008Contact person: Thomas Håkansson (natrix [at] mindspring [dot] com; +1-859 269 7704)OverviewThe project aims at analyzing - 2025-03-15

Student influence

If you study courses or programmes at our department, you are welcome to become a member at the Social Sciences student union. Join the union if you want to influence education policy, get involved in relevant social activities, and strengthen your career identity in social sciences.  The student union The Social Sciences student union represents students whose main area of study is social science - 2025-03-15

The Prehistory of Amazonian Languages

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: The Prehistory of Amazonian Languages: Cultural and Ecological Processes Underlying Linguistic Differentiation (EUROCORES/The Swedish Research Council)Project's duration: 2002-2008Contact person: Alf HornborgOverviewA point of departure for this project is that historical linguistics in lowland South America would benefit from closer consideration - 2025-03-15

Power, Land, and Materiality

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Power, Land, and Materiality: Global Studies in Historical-Political Ecology as a Framework for Assessing Policies for ”Sustainable Development” (The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agriculture and Spatial Planning)Project's duration: 2008-2010Contact person: Alf HornborgOverviewThe project consolidates a coherent, trans-disciplinary the - 2025-03-15

The Östarp Project

Research project in Human Ecology Project's title: Local Knowledge for Self-Maintaining Agricultural Systems/The Östarp Project (The Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research 1998-2000, The Crafoord Foundation 1998-1999, The National Heritage Board, 1998-2000)Project's duration: 1998-2000Contact person: Pernille GoochOverviewÖstarp is a small hamlet situated on the slopes of the Romel - 2025-03-15

Plans and policies

Here you can find strategic documents and policies that are developed and implemented by our department.  Strategy for the work environmentThe Department of Human Geography strives for a good and safe working environment. Read more about this in our working environment policy document.Gender equality, equal opportunities and diversityThe responsibility for the department’s work on gender equality, - 2025-03-15

The Social Sciences Faculty Library

The Social Sciences Faculty Library (Sambib) is your library if you takes courses or programmes at our Department. Here you can find, borrow, and read course and reference literature and academic journals as well as access databases for your discipline. You can also get help with searching for scientific resources and managing your references. The Library also offers courses in information managem - 2025-03-15


Our research projects, publications, and seminars Research at the department is broad in scope, but rests on longstanding traditions within economic, social and cultural geography, with development geography developing into an area of specialization in recent years. Likewise, human ecology is a relatively young subject, and our expertise in Geographical Information System (GIS) and remote sensing - 2025-03-15

What are the environmental effects on the selective migration of long-term residents in Swedish and Danish affordable housing areas?

Research Student: Süheyla TürkDuration: 2014 - 2018Supervisor: Guy BaetenAssistant supervisor: Henrik Gutzon Larsen A view from the case areas in Sweden and Denmark In this research, environmental effects, which cause citizens to leave their neighbourhoods after they have improved their socio-economic conditions.will be analysed by focusing on Nordic countries’ welfare states in national and local - 2025-03-15

Technology shifts, Labour Mobility and Transformation of Industry Spaces: Evidence from Swedish regions

Research Student: Mikhail MartynovichThe Swedish economy has undergone substantial structural change over last three decades. Overwhelming forces of ‘creative destruction’, technological progress and tertiarisation of the economy led to dramatic changes in Swedish industrial landscape which boosted economic development, while at the same time posing many challenges for policy-makers. Some of the m - 2025-03-15